Parse Multi Resolution Images

Entwickler-Tools Dienstprogramme Dienstprogramme
Entwickler Rodrigo Dutra de Oliveira
0.99 USD

Parse Multi Resolution Images is an application that allows you to upload several pictures to Parses server, with resized versions, like thumbnails.

This app can be used to easy the development of apps that need to access a database of pictures, using parse, like an wallpaper app.

- Add all the images that you wanna send to Parse.
- Add as many resized versions as you need.
- Click Send to Parse.

Done. Your images will be on your Parses database.

Easy like that.

To use this application you need a parse account and you need an app created there. Every Parses app has an ApplicationId and ClientId that can be found on your Parse App settings page.

Parse is owned by Facebook, and is a great option as backend server. It can be accessed by